The latest opinion poll by EMRS shows that support has grown since our design was publicly released, with two out of every three Tasmanians now supporting our project.
The poll found 62 per cent of Tasmanians supported the cable car (up from 54% in 2017, ReachTel) with 35 per cent strongly supporting it and 26 per cent “somewhat” supporting it. The poll also found that 56 per cent of people in southern Tasmania supported the cable car.
Only 20 per cent strongly opposed the cable car with a further 10 per cent “somewhat” opposing it. Eight per cent were undecided.
The poll of 1000 Tasmanians, part of the Omnibus Poll by respected Tasmanian pollsters EMRS between 29 August and 31 August, found that 85 per cent of people had either seen the full cable car proposal or were aware of it.
The poll found that support across the political spectrum was:
80% among Liberal voters
60% among Labor voters
27% among Green voters
Put in context, few policies or projects enjoy the level of support seen for our cable car, which is a reflection of the extensive stakeholder and public engagement in our phases since 2011.
MWCC are delighted to see this strong and active community support grow as does awareness of the detailed design being released for public feedback.
2018 Poll Results; source: EMRS
2018 Poll Result; source: EMRS
2018 Polling result; source: EMRS
NOTE: These are not scientifically valid; suggesting only the ratio of support/opposition among those most likely engaged to respond.
The Mercury Newspaper; August 2018
The Mercury Newspaper, August 2018
University of Tasmania student Poll of 'local recreational users'
'Cable Car Cliffhanger' - May 2018
Tasmania Talks; Northern Tasmania Radio with Brian Carlton - August 2018
Northern Tas Radio, August 2018