To develop and operate an iconic, sustainable, and economically viable transport solution and inclusive visitor experience that enhances the appreciation and enjoyment of kunanyi/Mt Wellington’s natural and cultural heritage, while actively contributing to its environmental preservation.

MWCC measures success with a quadruple-bottom-line ethos, balancing our focus equally between environmental care, social inclusion, cultural vitality and economic returns.



To enhance Wellington Park as a leading destination for Tasmanians and tourists, while consistently being recognised for world’s best practice environmental stewardship and providing an enduring legacy for future generations.


Our Approach

Design Diaries

Get to know the amazing Tasmanian design duo from two of Hobart's award-winning Architectural practices, as they get to know the intricacies of the Project Site.

Get to know the founding principles of this exciting venture from our Project Lead Adrian Bold, as he shares our intentions and balanced approach to finding the most appropriate solution for the mountain.