2010 - 2012 (COMPLETE)
2011-2013 (COMPLETE)
2013-2017 (COMPLETE)
2017-2022 (COMPLETE)
18 months (PENDING)
2025* ->
Source: MWCC Master Project Gantt. *Build dates Subject to Planning Approval.
Press Play to Start!
Join us on the two-year design journey whilst we await approval.
Our film crew captured this once-in-a-lifetime process in a series of Design Diaries, giving you special access inside our Architectural studios, team meetings, ideas and ethos.
Premier’s State of the State Address
February 28, 2023 - Premier of Tasmania Jeremy Rockliff uses his State of the State address to State Parliament to announce his commitment to a cable car on kunanyi/Mount Wellington and has sought advice on developing a new pathway to make this happen. This followed the irrational outcome from TASCAT which from expert legal perspectives reflected the contractory, ambiguous and fundamentally flawed structure of the current planning scheme for the mountain.
TASCAT outcome
November, 2022 - Despite the mountain having one of the only management plans in Australia to support the intent for a sustainable transport solution, The Tasmanian Civil and Administration Tribunal determined that no feasible solution could ever be delivered for Wellington Park. Australia's most awarded lawyer in environmental and planning law found the TASCAT process did not respect the intent of the Park Management Plan which should have been the reference point for its deliberations.
TASCAT Hearing
August 22, 2022 - The Tasmanian Civil and Administration Tribunal commence an independent assessment of the proposal. Consultants and experts were cross-examined over 13 sittings days, with several parties to the Appeal abstaining from cross-examining the expert witnesses or withdrawing from proceedings all together. HCC quietly withdrew 4 grounds prior to the hearing. We are confident that all remaining grounds of refusal from HCC will be found to be either nonsense or appropriately condition-able.
We await the Tribunal’s decision.
Section22 Amendment
January 2022 - TASCAT accepts a revised proposal (submitted by MWCC in November 2021) to address the grounds of refusal. This amendment reduces the overall footprint of the pinnacle centre by 40%, essentially providing a visitor centre that is 65% public space. We also offer to limit the operational capacity of the cableway and operating hours to primarily daylight hours.
Council Votes
July 28, 2021 - HCC hold a Special General Meeting to consider MWCC’s DA, the first and only Development Application formally commenced and completed in the project’s 115 year history. As expected, Council refuse approval and deny the option to defer a decision, allowing MWCC to move onto TASCAT, the Resource Management Planning and Administration Tribunal.
RFI Process Complete - public advertising commences
May 24, 2021 - MWCC obtained confirmation from Hobart City Council that all further requests for documentation were accepted and the window for public advertising and submissions will commence. MWCC agreed to double the length of time for public submissions from 14 to 28 days.
3rd Request For Information Response Lodged
October 02, 2020 - MWCC lodged its 3rd RFI package to council. The council planning officers accepted almost all provided items and attempted to issue a new question. MWCC exercised its legal right to appeal this move with the State Planning Tribunal.
2nd Request For Information Response Lodged
August 07, 2020 - MWCC lodged its 2nd RFI package to council. The council planning officers broadly accepts the majority of re-addressed items, but seeks additional clarification on a handful of items.
1st Request For Information Response Lodged
January 06, 2020 - MWCC lodged its RFI package to council. The council planning officers broadly accepts a range of re-addressed items as sufficient information to enable assessment, but seeks additional clarification on several items.
Request For Information Response Complete
December 20, 2019 - MWCC has completed its Response to the City of Hobart’s Request for Information (RFI), and agrees to accept an additional request from Council to defer lodging our response until after the Christmas break.
Development Application Lodged
June 12, 2019 - MWCC formally submits the long-awaited Development Application to the City of Hobart. Tasmania’s statutory planning process (LUPAA) is now in effect. The
State Government Authority Received
January 25, 2019 - MWCC formally receives Authority for Lands outside of Wellington Park, and field work investigations begin in late February. This is followed by receiving an Authority for works inside Wellington Park the following month, which allows us to complete the final necessary investigations to provide a complete and comprehensive planning application.
Hobart City Council attempts to block all use of council land
August 20, 2018 - HCC votes 7:4 to block all future use of council land for the purposes of a cable car or associated infrastructure. Several Aldermen, including a former Crown Solicitor of Tasmania, declared the move was in breach of existing policy as well as Council’s own by-laws, however the policy is overruled by the State Legislation established in 2017.
Full Proposal Unveiled, New Ministerial Consent Lodged
August 04, 2018. After a year of intense design work, the full proposal has been unveiled Saturday August 4th. The Plans are all but ready to lodge for Planning Approval, pending permission to conduct final site investigations. For all the details click here.
Engineering Underway
June 2018. As architectural work continues, our engineers both in Tasmania and Switzerland are closing in on the finer technical details and options available to MWCC to comply with the planning scheme. These details will assist MWCC to present a definitive planning application for public release.
Pinnacle Centre Design Reveal: TBC
April 2018. With Ministerial Consent in hand, the design for our Pinnacle Centre has been underway. As promised in 2014, and consistent with our methodology of gathering public input and feedback each Phase along the way since 2011, MWCC is delighted to announce that we will take the unprecedented step of publicly releasing the Pinnacle Centre designs ahead of lodging to Council. Encouraging public feedback over the following 30 days will allow our Design Team time to consider this valuable input and make final refinements before submitting for council approval.
MWCC receives Ministerial Consent to Commence Site Tests
January 2018. In accordance with the successful passage of the Cable Car Facilitation Bill 2017 through both Houses of Parliament, MWCC applied in September 2017 for Ministerial Consent. Granted in January 2018, we can now seek to verify important design issues fundamental to our ethos, namely, to ensure and give the community the confidence that the pinnacle terminal can be built in a way that respects the skyline of the mountain.
'Cable Car Facilitation Bill 2017' Passes both Houses of Parliament
September 2017. The project legislation was tabled in State Parliament on Tuesday 12th September and debated two days later. The vote sailed through the Lower House with the strong bi-partisan support of both the Liberal Government and Labor Opposition, 20:3. Supported by the 2nd largest e-petition in the state's history, the Bill was supported almost unanimously in the Upper House, 10:1.
Specific Draft Legislation Opened for Public Comment
July 2017. Following the exciting announcement in February, the State Government released its draft legislation bill for public comment. This voluntary step is welcomed by MWCC as once again it provides anyone the opportunity to have their say. Submissions closed on the 4th August 2017 ahead of tabliing the bill in State Parliament this Spring.
Land Tenure Decision Welcomed
February 2017. Following the findings of the Tasmanian Development Boards' analysis, The State Government has resolved to fully support MWCC and break the impasse with Hobart City Council by committing to table project-specific legislation in Parliament to enable the Crown to act as our landlord.
Independent Assessment Complete
October 2016. Our project's financial viability, capacity and expertise of our team has been independently assessed by the Tasmanian Development Board. The Coordinator General is set to provide a recommendation to State Cabinet in due course.
Successful Capital Raise 2.1 Oversubscribed
September 2016: We're delighted to welcome over a dozen new shareholders into MWCC this past month, after a brief 30 day investment window achieved a fantastic 32% oversubscribed result. Our next capital raise will be conducted once planning is approved.
Pathway to Project of State Significance Announced
August 8, 2016 - The State Government has resolved to provide a clear and appropriate pathway for our project to be assessed fairly and independently, but first we must pass a comprehensive 'Application' test. The Tasmanian Development Board is appointed to independently assess our proposal's financial capacity and viability as well as the credentials of our team.
Formal Request to become a Project of State Significance
May 6, 2016 - MWCC formally applies to be assessed as a Project of State Significance. If granted, this would be a significant milestone as it provides the project with the missing link between proposal and construction phases after the Hobart City Council failed to provide either Landowner Consent or an appropriate planning process in Mid 2014.
Project Team Expands
Jan 29, 2016 - MWCC are pleased to announce and welcome seasoned experts from both of Australia's major cableway tourism operations to our project.
Skyrail in far north Queensland was built in the 1990's within a world heritage rainforest, amid spectacular protests and doomsday prophecies. Project manager Mike Mahoney got it built, then expanded the system two years later to cater for demand. Mike will bring his invaluable experience to MWCC as our Project Manager through the approval and construction phase.
Scenic World in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney operates 2 cable car systems and a funicular by the Three Sisters world heritage site. Created and run by the Hammon family for over 70 years, joint managing directors Anthea and David Hammon have joined MWCC's team as key strategic advisors in engineering and finance through to our grand opening.
Just this week Mike, Anthea, David and other key project members met in Hobart for a series of on-site planning and strategy meetings. (We also launched this brand new website)
Expanded Project Team meets State Government
January 28, 2016 - With the Pinnacle Zone Boundary formally amended, MWCC's entire project team and several advisors meet the State Government to ask for an appropriate planning pathway .
Governance Board Announced
Nov 27, 2015 - MWCC are pleased to announce the appointment of two additional and reputable skill-based directors to provide strategic governance during the company's pre-operational phase. In the role of Chief Marketing & Tourism Officer, Director Jude Franks is a Tasmanian tourism stalwart responsible for the Pure Tasmania brand (that gave birth to Saffire), The Old Woolstore Hotel and who is also on the board of the Port Arthur Historic Management Authority as well as RACT. In the role of Chief Financial Officer, Director Ian Wheeler is a Partner at WLF Accounting & Advisory (Tasmania's largest accounting and auditing firm) and is responsible for the financial and regulatory compliance of the company.
Pinnacle Zone Boundary Adjusted
Nov 4, 2015 - Governor of Tasmania Kate Warner formally ratified the amendment to the Wellington Park Management Plan on October 26 2015, approving the extension of the Pinnacle Specific Area to include an additional 1.1 hectares of land MWCC requested in May 2014. This fantastic decision is our third major and successful planning milestone, allowing the planning scheme to match public input.
Successful Home-Grown Capital Raise
Oct 30, 2015 - Following our decision to not renew a fully-financed deal with Canadian partners on July 1, MWCC set out to raise the balance of sufficient working capital to secure planning approval by offering $1 million dollars worth of shares to local Tasmanian professional investors, complying with the Australian Security & Investment Commissions' Small Scale Offer regulatory framework.
Public Hearing for Re-Zoning Concludes
April 27, 2015 - The Tasmanian Planning Commission resolved to hold a public hearing on the 20th and 27th April, to allow representors for and against the pinnacle zone boundary adjustment to clarify their submissions. The 11 month process of review should draw to a close soon.
Tramway Cabin Reveal
April 16, 2015 - On the anniversary of our Proposal Launch, MWCC publicly released the latest design consideration for Section 2: Custom-designed, aerial trams that feature a glass-bottom floor, outdoor balcony and floor-to-ceiling glazing. Further visual impact imagery showing the entire system in situ with the mountain are released.
MWCC accepted into Federal 'Tasmanian Major Projects Approval Agency'
November 11, 2014 - The Australian Government's Major Projects Approval Agency' (MPAA) assists major projects in Tasmania navigate complex planning systems. MWCC is one of 6 projects accepted into the MPAA portfolio worth around $50M or more, can be realised by 2020 and which can add economic growth, employment and wellbeing for the state.
Public Submissions regarding the draft pinnacle zone boundary close
September 3, 2014 - Opt-in feedback from the community close. The Hobart CIty Council (HCC) pass a motion to ask for more time and reasoning from the Park Trust, failing which the council agrees to oppose the boundary amendment. The Park Trust stick to the statutory process and refuse HCC's request.
Public Submissions 'Now Open' on draft amendment to the pinnacle zone boundary
August 2, 2014 - The Wellington Park Management Trust has called for public submissions on the pinnacle zone specific area boundary adjustment. Details can be downloaded and submissions lodged here before September 3rd. MWCC encourages everyone to have their say and provides this visual impact imagery to help illustrate the benefits of the boundary adjustment.
Wellington Park Management Trust agree to Pinnacle Zone boundary request
July 9, 2014 - Following our submission to align the area most suited to a well-designed pinnacle centre with the Management Plan, the WPMT announce they agree with our rationale and initiate the process to formally adjust the development boundary accordingly; which involves a public consultation process.
Wellington Park excluded from State Government's EOI Process
June 20, 2014 - The State Government releases Round 1 of their state-wide Expressions of Interest process for private sector ideas in national parks, reserves and world-heritage areas. As expected, Wellington Park is excluded because the Crown is not the landowner.
Formal Request submitted to the Wellington Park Management Trust
June 18, 2014 - Following a second formal presentation the board of the Wellington Park Management Trust, MWCC submits a formal request for a specific annex to the existing boundary at the summit. Supporting documentation addresses the intrinsic values, social, heritage, climatic, safety and visual considerations.
Request to State Government: Include Wellington Park in their EOI Process
May - June, 2014 - MWCC asks the State Government to include Wellington Park in their state-wide Expressions of Interest process for private sector ideas in national parks, reserves and world-heritage areas. Advised that as Wellington Park is not owned by the State, Wellington Park is unlikely to be included.
Glenorchy City Council grants in-principle Landowner Consent to MWCC, 9:1
May 13, 2014 - GCC offers and grants MWCC landowner consent for ALL municipal land owned by the city council. This enables us to investigate a northern approach thoroughly, and proves that a local government authority can grant in-principle landowner consent without insisting to examine a development application (DA) first.
Hobart City Council gives advice, postpones Landowner Consent vote
April 28 2014 - HCC avoids the request to consider granting landowner consent, instead reaffirming that the Park Trust should proceed with the Pinnacle Zone boundary amendment first. MWCC re-engages with the Park Trust.
Proposal Launch
April 16 2014 - To celebrate the legislative barriers overcome to date, MWCC held a breakfast briefing that attracted over 200 stakeholders from business, government and the community. Attendees met the team behind the project and were the first to learn the preferred route among other exciting news.
3rd Presentation to Hobart City Council
April 15 2014 - With council resolving in February to not run an EOI, In March MWCC applies for 'In-principle landowner consent, to assist the WPMT boundary process.' MWCC is given 5 minutes to present and explain our request to the HCC Aldermen on the Finance & Services committee.
State Election delivers supportive new Liberal Government
March 15, 2014 - After 16 years, Tasmania votes to install a Liberal government. The new Premier, who also holds the Tourism portfolio, has been on record several times in recent years to be very supportive of the project.
Hobart City Council says NO to running an EOI
February 25, 2014 - Despite a ratified WPMT management plan, HCC Aldermen resolve to not run an Expressions of Interest for pinnacle development. Without further explanation, HCC reiterate their preference to prioritise The Springs. MWCC is advised to directly apply for in-principle, conditional landowner consent.
Formal Request to HCC: Open an EOI process.
January 22, 2014 - On advice from Hobart City Council to resolve their probity concerns from our 1st deputation in Nov 2012, MWCC formally asks HCC to run an Expressions of Interest to gather ideas for other private commercial opportunities. The reward for the risk would be in-principle landowner consent.
Meeting with WPMT management
January 16, 2014 - Meeting with WPMT chairwoman and manager confirms willingness to consider a formal request to an amendment of the Pinnacle Zone boundary to accommodate the preferred Pinnacle Centre site. MWCC is requested to seek Landowner Consent from HCC before a process with TPC is initiated.
Doppelmayr commences Engineering response
January 15, 2014 - Based on the engineering brief prepared by MWCC with the preferred alignments identified to utilise Cascade land, and taking into account the social parameters asked of us by the public, Doppelmayr start on the long-awaited exercise of preliminary engineering.
WPMT Management Plan is ratified by the Governor
January 1, 2014 - After a 16 months wait for due process to take its course, the draft 5 year management plan for Mount Wellington that allows discretionary consideration for our project is made law. With the 'no cable car' ban finally removed after 20 years, our venture can now legally be considered in the planning process.
Hobart City Council says NO to public consultation outside the Taste of Tasmania
November, 2013 - After several positive meetings with council officers to plan and provide an outdoor plot at the Taste of Tasmania for MWCC to conduct community consultation, the Events committee of Aldermen on HCC refuse to accept the offer.
'Veto Removal' bill passes Upper House in Parliament, 13:1
November 13, 2013 - MWCC's Adrian Bold is called to present to the Legislative Council on the merits of removing the Veto ability of the WPMT. That afternoon, the 14 Members of the Upper House vote almost unanimously in favour of the bill, 13:1.
Initial Design Response
October 30, 2013 - Local architects progress with pen to paper, exploring shapes, form and massing for the Pinnacle Centre. Preliminary response presented to shadow Ministers with positive feedback. Initial visual impact analysis studied to evaluate how well our initial concept 'fits' with the mountain.
Carlton United Breweries provides Landowner Consent
October 22, 2013 - Owners of Cascade title; Carlton United Breweries agree to provide preliminary landowner consent to MWCC, enabling site investigatons for a co-location with Cascade Brewery. Site investigation, inherent risks, traffic and existing visitor issues provide a set of guidelines for MWCC to consider.
Veto Bill removal passes Lower House in Parliament, 20:5
October, 2013 - After nearly a year of engaging with Labor State Ministers, the Liberal opposition bill to remove the duplicitous approval process from the WPMT passes 20:5 in the House of Assembly. (the first opposition bill to succeed in 15 years)
3rd Meeting with Tasmanian Planning Commission
September, 2013 - Collaborative meeting with the Tasmanian Planning Commission whilst WPMT draft plan is being reviewed. Pinnacle Zone boundary raised, avenues to amend discussed. 2nd meetings with Planning Minister and Minister for Economic Development followed. Minor Amendment process agreed upon.
1st Formal Presentation to the Wellington Park Management Trust Board
August 20, 2013 - After a series of meetings with the Park Trust over 2012/13, MWCC present the potential intent of the venture to all board members and staff of the WPMT. The pinnacle zone boundary issue is formally raised and avenues to resolve collaboratively discussed.
Design Brief submitted
July, 2013 - A comprehensive design brief (based on parameters provided to MWCC through the local values and opinions survey) was provided to our architects for discussion and a preliminary design response. Community input continues.
Community Group Presentations
May 14, 2013 - Various stakeholder meetings and presentations continue. Tonight meeting with the Fern Tree Residents Association, Adrian Bold discussed the concept potential and listened to community input. Please see this link for a full list of clubs and associations engaged to date.
Concept Report published (1st edition)
April - June, 2013 -The first necessary stepping stone before the preparation of a Formal Proposal, the concept report that culminates the research, parameters, possibilities and preliminary feasibility was published and distributed to several Labor government Ministers and Departmental Secretaries.
Local Project Team investigates site
February, 2013 - With the arrival of a senior engineer from Leitner Poma of America, our local project team convene at the pinnacle to explore potential sites and commence initial site investigations. Progressive meetings with State Labor Ministers through March-April.
MWCC commission local 'opt-in' survey
January 26, 2013 - Over a nine week period to Easter Monday, over 2200 public responses are received, 10 times that of the WPMT management plan review process. Overwhelming support is shown for the project. More importantly, social conditions are quantified for the very first time.
MWCC website launched
January 4, 2013 - In preparation of intensive community consultation in 2013, and to collate the most Frequently Asked Questions, our website is launched. The MWCC Facebook page continues to steadily grow.
1st Formal Presentation to Hobart City Council Aldermen
November 18, 2012 - Adrian Bold introduces all 12 Aldermen of the HCC to our interested investors, outlines business plan and intent. MWCC formally asks for 12 months of exclusivity to investigate detailed feasibility, at no cost to council. Response is "No" due to the following reasons: 1) Springs is priority, 2) Park Trust plan is still in draft mode, 3) Council would want to test the market.
WPMT Draft Plan lifts ban
August 21, 2012 - After intense lobbying by Adrian Bold and tourism groups, the Wellington Park Management Trust release their draft plan - lifting the decade+ ban on a cable car development since legislative provisions for Skyway were rescinded and replaced with prohibitions against such infrastructure in their management plan. Nine weeks of public comment gathers just 226 responses on the cable car topic.
MWCC founded
August 21, 2012 - Mount Wellington Cableway Co. is formally registered to provide a legal entity for commercial project investigation. An 11 month route identification and comparison study begins, as does the Business Plan for the operating venture. MWCC Facebook page changes from 'Community' to 'Company'.
Springs DA up for sale
August 7, 2012 - The Architect and town planner behind the Springs development application offer for sale the designs to the site. Cursory due diligence fails to suggest a viable commercial proposition.
Lobbying begins
July, 2011 - First meetings with various Hobart City Council Aldermen, the office of Nick McKim, then Minister for Sustainable Transport, and then shadow minister Matthew Groom MP. Media attention is drawn to the prohibitive roadblocks that stood in the way of attracting investor interest.
Initial investor interest
June, 2012 - International discussions with cable car consultants identifies a potential avenue for investment. A preliminary agreement is negotiated and established whilst further investigation and due diligence is performed.
Summit for the Summit
April, 2012 - A community forum is held to discuss the tourism potential, including ideas, for Mount Wellington. Adrian Bold highlights cursory investigations to date. Lord Mayor of Hobart enthusiastic but recognises legal roadblocks. Throws down challenge to find investors.
Adrian Bold takes charge
March, 2011 - After months of uncertainty over the project's future, Adrian Bold decides to honour the previous proponent dying wish and officially champion the cause. Commencing first with an in-depth study of all plausible alternatives, Adrian quickly builds rapport with overseas operators and reaches out to overseas industry and local tourism consultants.
Former Proponent Dies
December 31, 2010 - Sad news hits home when the former proponent, who had championed the project for some 20 years, passes away. Robust project discussions were held with Adrian Bold since 2007 to just weeks prior to his passing, when unexpectedly, Adrian is given the proponents' blessing to pursue the project. His final advice: "Never Give Up."
Facebook Page Established
September 18, 2010 -A community page is established to better facilitate online discussion and to collate the debate. It gains over 1700 fans and broad media attention within the first few weeks.
EMRS Telephone Poll Results
November 18, 2009 - Commissioned on the back of advice from Adrian Bold, results from the first authoritative poll by EMRS indicate a stronger than expected support base for the project in principle, with 50% strongly supportive and 28% somewhat supportive, given certain conditions.